Kildare Irish American Pub


Come enjoy the only Kildare Irish American Pub in the Upper Peninsula, located in the heart of Marquette, Michigan.  Our Irish American Pub-themed dining restaurant and drinking establishment was designed to replicate 'Old Ireland' by the Irish Pub Company. Our pub specializes in Irish American Cuisines. 

Popular Dishes

Shepard's Pie
Ground beef, onion, peas, cheddar, corn, Guinness gravy, house mash


Kildare Guinness Stew
Sirloin Steak, root vegetables, house mash & guinness broth


Corned Beef and Cabbage
Slices corned beef, house mash, cabbage & carrots


Popular Drinks

Enter subtitle here

Guinness Stout


Guinness Blonde


Irish Car Bomb

Irish Cream and whiskey into a stout glass 



Phone: 906-273-0117 
Facebook: @KildareMarquette
Instagram: @KildareMQT

Hours of Operation

Kitchen Hours

Tues-Sat  11:00am - 9:00pm

Bar Hours

Tues-Sat 11:00am - 12:00am

© 2019 Kildare Irish American Pub  |  All rights reserved
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